
Zeppenfeldt Residence * 1910

Category: Oranjestad
Address: Oranjestraat 28
Year Built: 1910
Open to Public: No
Ownership: private

This is a monumental mansion, of which the first floor was built in 1910 and the second floor in 1932. Its monumental façade with its elegant decoration on the cornice features symbols of faith, love and hope. The building is situated a little bit to the back of the building-line with regard to the street and it used to have a spacious front garden with trees in front.

The ground floor in the front has four entrances with high double doors and with semicircular upper lights. There is a broad terrace with steps. The balcony over the best part of the width of the building is supported by 5 pillars.

The Zeppenfeldt-Croes family lived on the ground floor. Grandfather Papa Cheppi and grandmother Mama Chida were fondly remembered by their children, who used to visit them on weekends. The first floor was rented out to several other families, among them a family doctor, De La Fuente.

The original color of the mansion has changed over time; initially it was green with white, later white with ornaments accentued in red; it is now painted grey.

The Bureau of Women’s Affairs (CEDEHM) occupied the building for years. It now houses the Aruba Fair Trade Authority.