The restoration of the California Lighthouse has been finished!
Friday 26th of august a new chapter has been added to the story of the California Lighthouse. The restoration which started a year ago has been finished.
The project was commissioned by Monumentsfund Aruba (SMFA). The project was guided by Monumentenbureau with IMD Aruba as architect and Ecoline Aruba as the contractor.
The Lighthouse were officially opened in the presence of His Excellency the Governor of Aruba and partners of the project. The evening started with a beautiful song dedicated to the Lighthouse. The director of Monumentsfund Aruba thereafter took the opportunity to thank everyone who contributed to this project since the beginning four years ago. After the speeches of the Minister of Culture, the director of Monumentenbureau and Aruba Bank, the symbolic keys were handed by the daughter of the director of SMFA to the grandson of Faro Blanco Restaurant and to the Director of Aruba Ports Authority.
Afterwards the invitees walked to the completely restored Lighthouse where the monumental sign that indicates that this monument is protected were placed by Monumentenbureau. Together with the Minister of Culture, His Excellency the Governor of Aruba cut the ribbon to officially open the California Lighthouse. The first group consisting of partners of the project went up for the first time guided by Mr. Romulo Fingal who is the son of the last Lighthouse watcher.
Aruba Ports Authority (APA) and Faro Blanco will rent the Lighthouse so SMFA can generate income to preserve the Lighthouse in good condition. Faro Blanco Restaurant will give the opportunity to the public to go up to enjoy the beautiful view from the top. And APA will take care of the light to guide seafarers. For more information about the Lighthouse experience: www.arubalighthouse.com
SMFA would like to thank everyone who contributed to this project and for all the cooperation during the restoration project. SMFA will keep working to preserve our past for the future.