‘Playa mi Orguyo’ (Playa my pride)
During the last two weeks, a group of students from Hogeschool Rotterdam came to Aruba for their minor project. The assignment was to create a plan for Huize Veneranda. They had just two weeks to study the area and develop a plan for this monumental building.
Tuesday November 1st the students presented their plan titled ‘Playa my Pride’. The plan included ideas on how to upgrade Wilhelmina street attracting more tourists and locals and creating more green areas and spaces for cultural activities.
For the building itself they created ideas to activate the historic character of this building.
The building was divided in three areas; The first one Hotel Veneranda with five historic rooms that will highlight the historical details like for example the original tiles.
The hotel will be combined with a new and more modern constructed area with green roofs and solar panels. They also created an area for an ice cream salon. This building was the first place ice-cream was sold on the island. And the last part was converted into a Jazz Club to attract tourists and locals.
They also thought of the possibilities for temporary use of the building. The first step must be to place information signs with the history of the building. The building can also be used for exhibitions, temporary activities like a party terrace or a musical café. All this will help to slow down the deterioration and the building becomes an active part of the downtown area again.
The idea of the party terrace was executed by the students after their presentation where they converted the terrace of the building in a reception area with live music, light effects and delicious icecream accomplishing their goal of reviving the building.
These plans were made as part of their minor project. The main goal is to inspire possible investors in the building. SMFA nor the families and future investors are not bound to the plans but can use them as inspiration.
SMFA and SUS Ateliers would like to thank the owners for their contribution during these two weeks. We are also very thankful for the cooperation and sponsorships received for this project from; CATC, Superfood, ATA, Alibaba, Algemene Rekenkamer, Saxomec, Elite Productions, Peanuts Restaurant, Goddard catering, Calloway Corporation, Doña Clara Apartments, Pico Bello, Aruba Aloe, O4iA, Total Services.