
Nicolaas Store * 1940

Category: San Nicolas
Address: B van der Veen Zeppenfeldtstraat 27
Year Built: 1940
Open to Public: Yes
Ownership: Monuments Fund Aruba

This protected monument, dating back to around 1940, initially featured only a ground floor and operated as a store selling books, instruments, newspapers, gifts, and more.

Later, a second floor was added, transforming the structure into a residence for the owner and their family. During its heyday, the Nicolaas Store was a popular establishment. After Nicolaas Store closed its door it remained vacant for about twenty years.

Nicolaas Store with steelband, 1957

In August 2013, the Nicolaas Store building was acquired by Monuments Fund Aruba from the Nicolaas family.

Restoration Nicolaas Store 2015

Following an extensive restoration effort to return the building to its former splendor, the Nicolaas Store is now the home of the Community Museum and Kulture Café.